All information contained in this article may be found in the document ePAY Dashboard: Email Opt-in.
All ePAY client instances accepting web payments should have the Email Opt-in Client Capability enabled with custom text stating:
Yes, I would like to receive periodic updates and information from the Office of the Illinois State Treasurer via email.
Enabling Web User Email Opt-in Functionality
***NOTE: This functionality is only for web payments.
When a web user goes to make a payment, the user is required to check that they agree to the terms of service, which includes receiving emails from the IL State Treasurer. So, the user is forced to opt-in rather than having the ability to opt-out.
Functionality has now been added that will allow a web user to opt-in to receive these types of correspondence at the Client level.
Manage Clients > Edit Client Capabilities > select Enable Opt-In Process for Client Email Communications
By default, the check box allowing a user to opt-in for email correspondence will be unchecked. For ePAY, the box should be checked by default, unless otherwise authorized by ePAY. There is another Client Capability that we will need to enable so that the check box is checked by default.
Manage Clients > Edit Client Capabilities > select Email Opt-in Selected by Default
Although the email address should already be a requirement for a Payment Type, it must be enabled to for the email opt-in functionality to work as intended. You may double-check by going to Payment Types > select the appropriate Payment Type > scroll to the bottom and ensure that the Control Type “Email Address” is required for the source of “Web”.
With these two options selected, you will now see a check box during the Review Payment option that states, “Yes, I would like to receive periodic updates and information from [insert client display name] via email.” That check box is selected by default. If a user wishes to opt-out, they simply uncheck the box next to the statement.
Enabling Custom Verbiage
If something other than the default statement should be displayed for the email opt-in, you do have the ability to create a custom statement from the client level.
Manage Clients > Edit Client Properties > Create Client Property > select Email Opt-In Verbiage.
Beneath the drop down selection will be a Value field. The text entered in this box will then be displayed for the email opt-in verbiage instead of the default statement that includes the client display name. For this example, we would like to state that the emails would be coming from the IL State Treasurer.
Now, the specified custom text appears for the email opt-in functionality.
Extracting the Email Data
For the ePAY team to pull those users that opt-in, the Client Capability IL ePay must be enabled.
Manage Clients > Edit Client Capabilities > select IL ePay