The information contained in this article may also be found in the document Ticket Type: ePAY PCI.
ePAY PCI tickets are opened when a Participant has inquiries regarding PCI or needs assistance when it comes to the ePAY PCI third-party validation vendor.
Ticket Subtypes
PCI Scope Guidance
Questions specific to PCI scope such as "Are debit card transactions in scope for PCI" or "Does encrypting card holder data remove us from PCI scope" or "IS network segmentation a PCI DSS requirement?"
SLO (Business Hours)
Closed By
If a ticket is not already open, open one under “ePAY PCI” and ticket subtype PCI Scope Guidance” using Standard Ticket Opening Procedures, as found in the document ePAY Portal Ticket Management Overview.
- will be notified of a new ticket. Managers with access to this inbox will assign the ticket to the appropriate staff member. Assigned staff member will reach out to the Participant to provide guidance using the following guidelines:
- ePAY staff are not certified Qualified Security Assessors and any advice/opinions expressed should not be taken as authoritative.
- General questions should be answered to the best of our ability.
- Technical questions on how services work or qualify should be referred to JetPay for guidance.
- ePAY staff should not give specific guidance on how a Participant should assess their environment or answer specific questions. Rather, they should point the Participant to the appropriate resources:
- Trustwave Support (1-800-363-1621 or
Once resolved, follow Standard Ticket Closure Procedures, as found in the document ePAY Portal Ticket Management Overview.
PCI Portal Login Issues
Issues with logging into ePAY's PCI vendor portal.
SLO (Business Hours)
Closed By
If a ticket is not already open, open one under “ePAY PCI” and ticket subtype “PCI Portal Login Issue” using Standard Ticket Opening Procedures, as found in the document ePAY Portal Ticket Management Overview.
- will be notified of a new ticket. Managers with access to this inbox will assign the ticket to the appropriate staff member with administrative access to TrustKeeper (
- The Participant account on TrustKeeper will be reviewed for access history:
- If the main contact shown in Trustwave is no longer the Participant Main Contact, a change of users is required Open an Account Information and Maintenance Request with Subtype Add User/Contact using the appropriate ticket opening procedures. Once completed, the registration e-mail from TrustKeeper can be sent to the new main contact.
- If the Participant has not registered, the registration e-mail should be resent along with a separate e-mail to confirm receipt. Steps for resending the registration e-mail can be found in the PCI Onboarding Process Document.
- If the Participant has registered but lost access, refer them to the portal login ( page to reset their password.
- If the Participant is locked out refer them to self-service or Trustwave Support (1-800-363-1621 or
Once resolved, follow Standard Ticket Closure Procedures, as found in the document ePAY Portal Ticket Management Overview.
PCI Portal Usability
Questions about navigating around ePAY's PCI vendor portal, SAQ/AOC Guidance, etc.
SLO (Business Hours)
Closed By
If a ticket is not already open, open one under “ePAY PCI” and ticket subtype “PCI Portal Usability” using Standard Ticket Opening Procedures, as found in the document ePAY Portal Ticket Management Overview.
- will be notified of a new ticket. Managers with access to this inbox will assign the ticket to the appropriate staff member with administrative access to TrustKeeper (
- The Participant account on TrustKeeper will be reviewed for access history to ensure they have logged into the system previously. If they have not, check to ensure this is not a login issue. If the Participant has been unable to log into Trustwave, change the ticket subtype to PCI Portal Login Issue and follow the steps in that ticket subtype.
- Most issues should be referred to Trustwave Support (1-800-363-1621 or
Once resolved, follow Standard Ticket Closure Procedures, as found in the document ePAY Portal Ticket Management Overview.
PCI Validation Services
Questions around the separate contract for a la carte QSA/ASV services such as onsite audit, hourly QSA consulting, web application penetration testing, etc.
SLO (Business Hours)
Closed By
If a ticket is not already open, open one under “ePAY PCI” and ticket subtype “PCI Validation Services” using Standard Ticket Opening Procedures, as found in the document ePAY Portal Ticket Management Overview.
- will be notified of a new ticket. Managers with access to this inbox will assign the ticket to the appropriate staff member.
- General questions can be answered by referring to the Notice of Contract Award and associated price schedule.
Once resolved, follow Standard Ticket Closure Procedures, as found in the document ePAY Portal Ticket Management Overview.